Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 嘉年华 -室内足球赛

(09嘉年华27日快讯)马不停蹄, 下午三时,老当益壮的双方队员移师到Gembira Parade进行第2项比赛,Futsal。

在这项比赛,我们队的tattoo, joo chuan和老姨筋疲力尽和担心伤势而选择了弃战,使我们队势力大减。 但是, 赛前声张拥有完整队伍的黑狗队只来了三人,可能怕了我们队的猛男。

说到猛男,我们队派出了黑肥,Pong, 李大师,阿扁, hongso tatt和会长火鸡。但因为黑狗队不够人,就重金买了去年的金鞋得主火鸡帮助他们。

就如往年,比赛的精彩程度不输利物浦对曼联, 上半场黑狗对在会长火鸡的协助下,暂时领先4-2。

下半场,在及时赶到的阿扁发挥如有神助的威力下,我们队把比数拉到7-7, 但是因为缺少巴打们到来支持,我们队本来策划的车轮战术不能执行,在最后2分钟连失两球,7-9, 败下阵来。 但如果会长留在我们队,成绩将会改写。




Hongso Tatt也洗脱去年零进球的霉气,贡献了两球,希望利物浦也像他一样,洗去霉气。


李大师也保持非常好的守门技术,在他守门的当儿,取得零入球的纪录, 但是,他也在整场比赛中零进球。



2009 嘉年华 - 羽球赛


在经过几轮的热身表演赛后,进入正赛,我们队派出了tatoo, joo chuan, hongso tatt, pong, lao yee 以交叉的方式以五个双打对赛。

最后,我们队以微差的分数2-3败下阵来,但是我们队也发挥了拼命三郎的精神,tattoo 也不顾脚伤,拼搏到最后,精神可嘉。

Hongso Tatt 也请我们在俱乐部吃了丰富的午餐。

我们也准备在1/1/2010 在CRC举行我们同学会的羽球赛, 会继续给大家汇报最新的消息。

Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009 嘉年华会隆重开幕

(2009嘉年华26日快讯)在我们的老地方Oreilly's Pub和七位同学会巴打的见证下, 会长火鸡在隆重而简单的“第22届我们的同学会嘉年华会”正式开幕。

希望在这为期9 天的大会期间踊跃参加, 并保持最佳状态, 尽情享受大家聚在一起的时光, 留下一个美丽的回忆。


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wo-Men at CLHS87 Dinner

CLHS87 钟灵同学会成功主办22周年聚餐会,成功召集了大约100位同学参加,有很多是第一次参加, 今年的主席是非洲温永文, 明年将在KL主办,主席是Alex Tan。

我们的同学会也派了8位同学参加,可以说是当晚最大的一个群体,我们的李大师也在当晚給了一个简单的风水讲解会, 给明年属鸡属猴的同学指点迷津,获得全场的如雷掌声。当晚也表扬了我们的同学会的老姨, tatoo 和裕泉在之前的钟灵校友会的羽球比赛中帮 CLHS87 拿到了亚军。总会长也有幸成为聚餐会的执委。谢谢大家为我们的同学会争光。

当晚的气氛轻松, 酒菜丰富,载歌载舞,分享老同学的近况,大家都渡过了一个难忘的晚上。 更多的照片可以到facebook clhs cLASS OF '87 观赏。

我们的同学会也在当晚向黑狗队下了战书,挑战他们在27/12/09 (星期日)上午10点在CRC进行羽球大赛,并在当天下午3点在Gembira Parade 进行Futsal大赛, 希望各位巴打踊跃出席, 给同学会加油。

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ah Ham's Birthday Celebration

The brothers and family in SGP threw a birthday party 2 weeks in advanced of his "actual" birthday at an Indonesia restaurant. The meal was great with a lot of specialty dishes to choose from...except Indo Ah moi... So, Ah Ham remained as pure and innocent as he was in the past 39 years after the meal and celebration. Wish him have some major breakthroughs in his personal life as he ventured into 40.

Tasty cake from Awfully Chocolate

"Blowing" farewell to the 3+ and entering the era of 4+

Family Photo

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It was a fruitful trip to KL

It was a fruitful trip to KL for feng shui audits and met with Chin Seng and Guan Voon there but the most wonderful surprise was to be able to meet a long lost brother, Oba in the Subang Airport by chance. We have not seen each other for 8 years! Marvelous!
We even took the same flight back to Penang. He did not change much except not so 'black' now and put on some weight. He has promised to join us in Penang on Dec 09. Welcome back, Oba!

I even have a chance to visit the DAP Cafe which is run by a friendly Tamil who does not speak Tamil but speaks Hokkien instead. He is Troy 016-2513669 and he is from Sungai Dua, Jelutong, Penang.
Food Menu which shows Lim Guan Eng was taken away to the jail!

I was trying to analyse Guan Eng's palm from this large banner in the restaurant but the picture is not too clear. However, one thing sure is he does not act accordingly to his emotion.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Small Gathering of WoMen at Queensbay Mall

Today, after my feng shui seminar at the Queensbay Mall, all of us, Mr & Mrs Loo, Mr & Mrs Teo and Ms. Teo as well Mr & Mrs Phong met at the Old Town Restaurant to enjoy an early dinner together.
Two brothers met after 6 years!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

3, Lengkok Lumba Kuda

这是我的舊家, 我们曾经在此开party, 叫女孩子来却不敢跟她们讲话, 打乒乓, 还有许许多多的回忆.......你可记得吗?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Catch Up with Ham

We catch up with Singapore's brothers for the last 3 consecutive weekend at the same place, yesterday was Ah Ham.

We also met up with our appointed Hui xun 10 publishing designer, Mr Kent earlier in the same place to discuss on the publishing and printing issues. Again hope that brothers could contribute more stories to make this hui xun a memorable one.

Besides the usual interesting "investment" stories in HK & Singapore, politics, hui xun, carnival, etc. Prince brought out planning of World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. The expo will be within May to October 2010 and should be one of the interesting event next year. We probably need to do the earlier confirmation to book the cheaper flight and accommodation. Prince will provide more details on this. (Apologise, I am like doing next Hui Zhang's job next year)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Live from Penang International Squash Centre@3.40pm.

We had a Championship Squash Tournment in conjunction of Opui's 40th Birthday. This is so celebrate Opui for staying healthy, keeping hair black and his successful career and family life.
The event is participated by the top 4 strongest squash players of Chung Ling 87 - and all from Wo-Men.

(continued the reporting by Hui Chang)

The tournament is still in progress.

Pee had finished as 2nd runners up after beating Huey Kaey by 3-0 earlier. At the moment, Tatt is tied up with Tatoo at 3-3 and is playing deciding game for the tournament championship. Final set is now in progress..............

会讯10 热烈筹备中



我们也面对看着这一大堆的资料,却已忘记和记不起是哪年和为什么庆祝,在那个lepak的年代,hongso 是不需要有理由的。



2)我们有一段很少记录的空白期 (1995-2005),这时我们各奔前程,出国,结婚,忙于工作,忙于生孩子,顾孩子的天伦之乐。请大家提供这些照片,因为这些多数是个人收藏。

3)对于人生四十,生活,同学会,家庭,孩子,爱情,巴打等等要发表的感想和任何形式的文章, 一小段,一大段,中巫英文且可。(昨晚看了过去8本的会讯,发现很多巴打都曾经发表过感想和文章,十多年后,何妨再来一次抒情)

4) 最重要的人生40的life path, 已经陆续完成和书写中,各位可以用既有的样式或者创新的方式记录我们的人生40。(A Pong 会积极地追你们)


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Catch Up with Mo Chiang

We had another drinking session with Singapore's brother, Ah Chiang at the same place and same table like last Friday.
We had Opui, HowKo and our Carnival Organising Chairman Tatoo with us last night. As usual, we had a good catch up with Chiang about life in Shanghai, HK & Singapore, about investments, Wo-Men Carnival, etc.
A Pee could not join us as he had some "secret affairs" to do but he did not want to tell me yesterday night. Keun Wei had his romantic anniversary with his love one and Hoe was preparing for his KL Feng Shui trip.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Catch up with Ah Tua

We have another drinking session at Wo-Men regular place at e-Gate on 3/9/09 in conjunction of Tua return home.

Lau Yee and Opui who were also the old "Heap Ho" school mate to Ah Tua, also joined us in this evening.

Lau Yee is going to represent 1987 CLHS old boys team the next day in CLHS Old Boys Badminton tournament.

As usual, we had a good catch up and laughter with all the old and new days stories.

Monday, August 31, 2009

2009 Wo-Men Diary

Well done, Keun Wei.

I have these items. Will they help you in publishing the 会讯?

Sunday, August 30, 2009


我们的日记 会是记载我们同学会20年的里程碑,现在我们需要的是各位巴大记载下个人的生命历程,这将是我们编入第三章的主要内容。请于9月9日09年前交于均玮。

Sunday, August 23, 2009


我很喜欢罗大佑的'歌', 它的词为徐志摩的诗, 卡拉ok找不到, 所以就找一找youtube, 发现有纵贯线香港演唱会所唱的'歌', 想与巴打们分享.

希望阿扁可以在他家的五星级私人卡拉ok上载这首歌, 好让我们可以唱一唱.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

谢谢您, 郑医生.

昨天我儿子生病, 经过会长的介绍, 我帶我的儿子去了Tanjung Hospital 见了郑健洲小儿专科医生, 他和我们的林医生(一位在KL, 另一位在US)一样好, 服务也和他的哥哥, 也就是我们的会长一样好, 一星期工作7天, 专业的水準但收费卻相当低, 他的护士也很好, 因此我建议如果有需要巴打们的孩子都去见他, 我儿子已经复原了. 谢谢您, 郑医生.