Tuesday, February 12, 2008





Election 2008 Part 3 - Prince is the New Hui Chang!

Now the finale!
Prince, a 4-5 bookmaker’s favorite, emerged as the New Hui Chang for Rat Lunar Year. He gathered 11 votes ahead of Pek with 7 votes and Pee with 5 votes. Both the losing candidates gave Prince big hugs and carried his body and his balls and shouted hidup wo-men.

In his winning speech, Prince promised to bring Wo-Men to venture out of Malaysia. He also appointed Pek as the Deputy Hui Chang with Home Affairs portfolio and Pee as 2nd Deputy Hui Chang with Foreign Affairs portfolio.

Election 2008 Part 2 - The clean Election in process

Let me continue - and allow me to finish off the election stories using English.

After the nomination, we started the voting process. We used the high quality post-it papers as our voting papers. Hongso Tatt chaired the Election Commission, assisted by Boo Wei, Lau Ee, Ir Turkey and Dr Birdie. All the votes were strictly controlled and the counting process had been very professional and transparent. Lau Ee read out the candidate number, Hongso Tatt verified them before Boo Wei registered the counts. Dr Birdie then did the audit. We also had the KPMG's youngest, brightest and most handsome partner to conduct the final independent audit.

The competition had been very very stiff. All three candidates kept praying, smoking, touching che-ling etc. with the hope they would pull through. We also witnessed one candidate using his hoonkeetao to poke the other older candidate.

In addition to those in attendance, we also frantically called and woke up the remaining brothers to get them to SMS/Voice vote in. Again, this process was also very well thought through, well planned and well executed with high integrity. The brothers informed one of the commission members via voice call and followed by SMSing in the names. Dr Birdie again audited the process and the message details to ensure no manipulation of votes. Maxis, the leading Malaysia Cellular Operator, also deployed dedicated transmission trunks to ensure the SMS' were encrypted yet still ensured the delivery in 25 milliseconds.

For completeness sake, let me release the full list of 23 voters :-

Physical presence
  1. Birdie
  2. Boo Wei
  3. Keun Wei
  4. Pek
  5. Prince
  6. Ju
  7. Tua
  8. Elephant
  9. Ham
  10. Tatt
  11. How Kor
  12. Chiang
  13. Pee
  14. Joo Chuan
  15. O Pui
  16. Huey Kaey

Via SMS/Voice Votes

  1. O Bah
  2. Guang Voon
  3. Khiam Huat (!!!)
  4. Ang Tau (!!)
  5. Tatto
  6. Pong
  7. Lamina

Monday, February 11, 2008


时常忘了我们下一代的个别的名字, 所以创建的一个特别的Blog给我们的下一代. 也为了保留我们华人根本的传统- 中文姓名. 请到 http://tongxuehui-nextgen.blogspot.com/ 贴上你们孩的照片和资料!


将在四月份17日为同学会办个开业欢庆会, 有幸恭请到我们尊贵的副会长主持剪彩. 请大家出席以示支持. 到时更有精彩常节目安排, 包括..世界之窗与小人国一日游, 欢乐谷主题公园过山车, 顺到香港参加twins歌迷会, 慰问谢霆锋等等.......



原来O'PUI蛮有香港艺人的风度, 都喜欢请人吃冰淇淋.


21年了, 世界改变了很多, TURKEY的腰围也从当年的26寸变了现在的38寸, 但不变的是每年我们的聚会, 不变的是AH HAM的童贞, 还有同样的欢乐, 同样的玩笑.
当然我们也很怀念这些年缺乏的, O'BA 的..., 红豆的....., 阿马的....

Friday, February 8, 2008

How thick are your lips?

Mater Lee dropped a bombshell during the AGM by claiming that the thickness of men’s lips is an indication of our “BooWei” strength.

Then the Election discussion suddenly turned into a discussion of Election with R instead of L.

You can see the enthusiasm of Tua, Ham and Boo Wei touching and massaging their lips to make them thicker.
We later proved that this theory is unfounded as Pek has relatively thicker lips as compared to the rest but we have many clear evidences that his “BooWei” is no good. So this is not a good fengshui tips.

Btw, we also watched the Ah Pek on youtube. I thought Ah Pek is really composed during his presentation to the big crowd at E Gate. Only the SuanOng Ham critized the use of repetive words. You can see it yourself

Election 2008 Part 1 - The Nomination

After the dinner, we went to Prince office for the Wo-Men AGM. We were joined by Birdie, Elephant, Pek, Tua, Lau Ee, Joo Chuan making this the biggest turnout in the recent years - 16 brothers in total.
We started with potential candidates start pouring wine, giving fengshui tips, buying ice cream, peeling kam, entert etc. There is no money politics nor promising of overseas trips though.

After much delibration, we shouted out 3 shortlisted candidates and they are:-

1. Pek
2. Prince
3. Pee

This is definitely a year for the P's. May be for all Penangites too.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


2007 是极有意义的一年,‘我们’经历了20年的考验,在会长昌逹的极积领导下,把我们更加紧密的拉在一起, 把我们带进另一个高峰,羽球赛,疯狂派对,还有我们的部落格,都让我们更珍惜这一生的知己。
阿ham 在李大师改运下,桃花不断。
dr lim 的“下半场”,该如何打?
红豆,阿马,O 光,阿sex在国外,大放异彩,
国内的brothers, 步步高升,
而大家想念的oba, 何时归来?

Saturday, February 2, 2008



It's the time of the year again!!!

I wish you and your family a happy and prosperious year of the RAT. I look forward to celebrate the occasion with all of you in Penang.