Wednesday, April 30, 2008


那是一个很好的开始, 我打的士顺道去接了阿扁. 昨晚问了PBK, 他说不必接他因为他的娇妻愿意牺牲睡眠也要亲自开车送他到机场. 飞机是8.00am的, 大家约好了6.45am见面. 我们三个到了7.15am还见不到火鸡, 着急了我们想摧他, 但又想到他可能和未婚妻在温存(或自动檄械以表忠心).

在等待着上机, 那时我们总有点七上八下的感觉, 虽然期待这次旅程, 心里却想着其他没办法参加的巴打感受(为了101个原因或拿不到Home Ministry 签证的). 後来事实证明了我们的第6感是正确的, 有些事故发生了.... .............待续

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

同学会四壮士 - 遨游记之前传


阿扁, 火鸡, PBK均玮和我, 在众多巴打的祝福中和我们副会长羡慕的眼光下, 展开了我们同学会革命性之旅. 从2008年4月17日到4月20日, 短短的四天却有说不完的故事, 那是一场心灵和体力挑战之旅程. 我用了一星期才整理好故事, 将分8段发布, 敬请各位巴打耐心等候.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Still remember another of our favorite song by 张艾嘉?

Hiking with good company, enjoying the breathtaking view of the beautiful Penang, good discussions, feeling good about Penang new government, still feeling good that we had made an impact on the positive change on 8 March etc.
We all certainly felt like standing on top of the world!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our Singers, Our Songs

Hui Chang, please sanction this as official wo-men event. We now have the confirmation of Ah Pee, Pek, Keun Wei, Turkey, Hong So attending this.
All four of them are all our O-Siangs during our good old days.
I still remember
- O Bah being the good cassette supplier supplier for these 4 and many others
- Lau Ee's expression and hand movement when 穿过你的黑发in Langkawi
- We recorded Chyi's Story for our pre-amble of farewell cassette (to brothers going to MBS)
- Time and time again we sang their songs together
Any more brothers interested to join us? It should be great fun!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

'One Road Follows Wind'

Wishing Ah Pee, Hui Kay, Prince & Keun Wei 'one road follow wind' to China next week. I am sure they will bring back a lot of interesting stories to share with us. Ah Pee will act on my behalf to officially open the new office of Prince in China. Enjoy your trip. I wish to be one of you there!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


难得各位在吉隆坡的兄弟回槟城老家清明, 我们29/3当晚相聚於e-GATE的3g CAFE, 探讨大选後的国家大计.
当晚火鸡发表了"空穴不来风"的後大选政治宏观, 阿象传达了从首府打听到的最新火暴消息,Dr. Lim在讲他的後台关系和分发购买Cxxllxs医药证书, Opui醉醉满身酒气的到来,前会长在研究为什么Maxis的无线数码宽带总是有bugs, Ah Pek在伤脑筋去不去深圳的开业典礼, Ah Pee在研究如何用Iphone上网看自拍糸例, 均伟正在面对"准爸爸瘊群症"........