Wednesday, December 31, 2008


PS : 太子, 怎样把照片放大?

所謂的曾經,就是幸福 ~ 很感人

所謂的曾經,就是幸福 ~ 很感人

中午,我站在學校大門口當交通導護,幫助一年級的小朋友放學。 卓新勇的母親,悄手悄腳提著一個便當在校門口。被我一喊,她露出不好意思的表情。 「老師啊!...」 「哎呀!我不是跟妳講了嗎?學校不喜歡家長替孩子送便當。 如果每個媽媽都像妳這樣,學校大門就擠滿了人,那樣,我們怎麼放學呢?」 「我知道!我知道!」哼!知道了還送,簡直是明知故犯。 「妳不會讓他自己帶便當嗎!」 「我知道!我知道!」這些話,不曉得說了幾次。 每次一到中午,送便當的家長和放學的一年級小朋友,常常相撞在一起,造成相當的困擾。 卓新勇是一位沈默寡言,乖巧內向的孩子。 有次上課,他竟然打瞌睡,我很訝異,把他叫起來。 「怎麼了?」他一臉迷惘站起來,不回答。 第二天上課,也是這樣,我實在受不了,狠狠地把他叫過來。 「你到底怎麼了?」 我已經氣得半死,口氣已經控制不住。 突然,他垂頭淌下淚水。我暗自一驚。 「說呀!到底為什麼上課要打瞌睡呢?」 我媽媽住院了!昨天一直在醫院陪她。」 我一聽愣住了,頓時,心中的怒氣消失了,代之而起的是無限慚愧,「她為什麼住院呢?」 「是肺癌!」我一聽,心都涼到腳底。 心中想到身體贏弱的卓新勇。 如果,不幸那天來臨,他將如何繼續往後漫長的歲月呢? 想到這兒,不禁鼻酸。吃飯時,妻子在餵兒子吃飯, 我不禁想起,以前卓新勇的母親偷偷摸摸替他送便當。 第二天下班後,我騎著機車到醫院探望他母親。 幾個禮拜沒見,卓新勇的母親瘦得不成人形,蒼白的臉,光禿的頭,簡直不敢相信就是她。 她看到我,顯得很驚訝,努力想站起來,但是,一咳嗽,整個人歪了一邊。 「不要站起來!不要站起來!」 「老師!謝﹍﹍謝謝你!」她吃力喊著,眼眶消出淚水。 在醫院的走廊,卓新勇的父親對我說:「只剩下兩個月了!嗚!我﹍真的不知要怎麼辦?」他老淚縱橫。 回到學校,報告校長。 「他爸爸已經六十多歲了,現在母親又將離開人間,是不是我們可以發動全校募款。不管多少,都可以幫助他。」校長爽快答應。 經過幾天募款活動,我們總算募到五萬二千一百二十元。 把錢送到醫院時,卓新勇的母親已經在昏迷中。 「我們準備今天送他回家!」卓新勇的父親,臉形憔悴得發白。我一聽,心頭抽搐一陣。 「老師!能不能幫個忙?」 「請說!我能夠做到的,我一定答應。」 「他前幾天,一直拉著卓新勇的手,喊著:媽媽不能再替你送便當了!我想,請老師再讓她送最後一次便當,只有送便當時,他才真正感受到一位為人母親的榮耀。」聽到這兒,我百感交集地點點頭。 中午,一輛救護車呼拉拉開到學校大門口。 卓親勇的父親和一名醫護人員,推著擔架上的人。 我淚水盈眶,站在旁邊,伴當交通導護老師。 「到了!到了!」卓新勇的父親買了一個便當,躺在擔架上的卓新勇的母親,伸出瘦細蒼白的手提著便當,在旁邊人員推送下,慢慢靠近大門口的鐵門。 在鐵門的另一邊,卓新勇伸出右手,接過母親的便當。 「媽!」卓新勇嚎啕大哭。 這時,我清楚見到她母親瘦削的臉頰,抽搐了一下,彷彿想說話,但是,又說不出來。 「媽!我不要!我不要妳走!」卓新勇呼天搶地叫著。 我的淚水,再也控制不住,嘩嘩而落。我暗恨自己,以前是多麼殘忍! 隔天,卓新勇的母親就去世了。 卓新勇的母親出殯後。 一天,卓新勇的父親來到我辦公室,遞給我一包牛皮紙。 老師!這是你和學生們幫助我的錢,我認為還有更多的學生,需要這筆錢,所以,還給你們。謝謝你熱心幫忙。」說完,錢一放,就掉頭離去。 這筆錢彷彿生熱似的,直燙著我心坎。 我天天找卓新勇聊天話家常。深怕他經不起喪母的打擊。 「老師!你放心!我很好!你不要一直替我擔心!」 卓新勇對我說「我很早就知道,我母親就要死了,我也不是不想聽你話,叫媽媽不要送便當。因為,一天當中,只有中午,我才能吃到我媽媽煮的飯。」 我心頭一凜,「為什麼呢?」 她很虛弱,家裡都是爸爸在煮飯。只有中午爸爸不在,她才能偷偷背著爸爸煮飯。是她堅持要送便當的。」說完,卓新勇淌出淚水。 很感人吧!我看到一半就忍不住眼淚就掉下來了! 各位~趁著父母健在的時候,好好的孝順他們喔! 不然........將來後悔也就來不及了! 一直以為幸福在遠方,在可以追逐的未來。 我的雙眼保持著眺望,我的雙耳仔細聆聽,唯恐疏忽錯過。 後來才發現---那些握過的手,唱過的歌,流過的淚,愛過的人...... 所謂的曾經,就是幸福 如果您收到別人分享給您的好文章,不要吝嗇,您也可以繼續分享給好友,請別忘我這一份喔。 當我們用心對人時,有心人將以熱情回報你,希望我們都是用心的人,也是有心的人.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Our Famous Master Lee

The Star interviewed Master Lee. The article is featured in Page N20. Go buy The Star today before it is 断市。According to Master Lee, he was misquoted. Please read his follow up comments in his blog.
This is the full article:-
Astrologer predicts positive entry to 2009 may end in turmoil

GEORGE TOWN: It is not all doom and gloom next year as the Year of the Ox will be heralded by spurts of a bull market, according to an I-ching expert here.
Geocosmic Centre of Yijing Meta-Science Research Malaysia academic consultant Dr Chuah Chong Cheng said the year would get off to a positive start, bringing hope in global economic crisis.
Dr Chuah: 'Enter the ring at your own risk'
However, he warned that the respite would be brief.
“The beginning of next year is good but it will not last. The rest of the year will see a lot of turmoil economically and politically.
“Crisis, in Chinese wei ji, means danger accompanied by opportunity. If you want to go into the share market, enter the ring at your own risk,” he said.
Dr Chuah also advised the people to be prudent and even “stingy” in spending.
“The rainy season has started and throughout the year, there will be heavy rain and floods.
“The people should be more cautious over water-related diseases like dengue and chikungunya,” he said.
Dr Chuah described 2009 as a terrestrial bull year, with “a double beginning of spring” that could spell “double trouble”.
Indian astrologer S.S. Mano concurred that 2009 would be a difficult year not just for the economy but also in politics and personal health.
Mano: 'People will have to endure a year of hardship'
“There will be a lot of internal conflicts for Asian countries. It’s already happening now and it won’t stop just here.
“People will have to endure a year of hardship before things look better in 2010,” he added.
He added that Jupiter was in transit from Sagittarius to Capricorn and this would bring a lot of changes globally. The transition ends on Dec 15 next year.
“An eclipse will happen on Jan 26, which is the Chinese New Year. Those with serious illnesses should be careful,” he said, adding that the people could wear gold or yellow sapphire to attract good fortune.
Feng Shui master Lee Cheng Hoe predicted an upturn towards the end of the year.
“We can expect better things after August.
“Meanwhile, people can place water features at the south-west corner of their homes with the water flowing towards the inside to help counter negative energy,” he said.

Ang Tau's Kol Teh

Wah, many successful stories of our Carnival 2008! My attendance is the highest i.e. I participated in 6 out of 7 programs by putting all my appointments aside. The same ranking as our Highest Committee Chairman, Ir. Teh Khian Beng & our 'new ball king', Ah Pee.
Lari daripada tajuk ini....I read Ang Tau Kol Teh's story in newspaper and wanted to share with you all. Enjoy reading it.....

Carnival 08 - Bali Hai Dim Sum Breakfast

As usual, the Hiking Team and families proceeded to Bali Hai to have our dim sum brakfast, the breakfast was then joined in by Hui Chang Prince & Pong Families.

A Pong shared his experience in Vietnam while A Pee shared his Qi Gong and the secret of success.

It was a nice breakfast with Gurney Drive view and cooling "Pak Hong".

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Carnival 08 - The Youth Park Hike

The Wo Men Hiking Team concurred Youth Park No. 3 again with our newly launched T-shirt.

We also have the new member A Pek and How Ko. A Pek is to have his physical warming up before he proceed to his Feng Shui Talk in the biggest mall in Penang in the afternoon. A Pek also identify a few pieces of feng shui land for A Pee to buy.

Carnival 08 - The Lauching of Carnival T-Shirt 2008

The Wo Men Carnival T-shirt 2008 was launched on 27th December, 2008.

8 most handsome men of Wo Men changed into this new memorable T-shirt after the Badminton Tournament. The T-shirt had our CL badge on it and it gives us a lot of sweet memories in the old days.

The T-shirt is limited edition and is not available in the market. It is sold based on first come first serve basis. Please contact Tatoo to get one if interested.

08 嘉年华- 新一代球王-阿扁




(picture to be posted)

我们的同学会 -08嘉年华 - 节目3

我们的同学会 -08嘉年华 . 节目3-團聚晚宴.
同学会大家庭人口增加迅速, 两座都挤的满满.
照片1. 有人在审讨火鸡
照片2. 火鸡解说他的苦衷
照片2. 老姨给火鸡忠告

我们的同学会 -08嘉年华 - 节目2

我们的同学会 -08嘉年华. 节目2- 由阿扁策划一项很简单很平常可是非常有意义的活动, 在Upper Penang Street 喝酒聊天看足球....... 那晚没来的巴打太可惜了

Carnival08 - Badminton Tournament

the Carnival 2008 get into the highest excitement on Boxing Day. The day started with the most valuable championship of Wo Men, ie. Badminton Tournament.

The championship was attended by tremendous turnouts and the organising chairman, Master Lee also worked very hard to make the tournament as CAT as possible. After a tough fights among the preliminary round, 4 best Wo Men teams enter the finals.

The finalist as below:
1) Joo Chuan & Huey Kaey
2) A Pek & O Pui
3) Tatt & Lau Eee
4) Tatoo & Pee

Joo Chuan & O Pui were the champions and Huey Kaey & A Pek were the champion and 1st runner-up last year. This year, they cross-change the partner. They were expected to defend the title this year.

However, the world did not go as we predict, the two defending pairs were defeated "kao-lat kao-lat" by the new pairs. And, the new rising star, A Pee, shocking the world, paired with Tatoo beating all the pairs and hold up the most valuable trophy.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


After the grueling matches, we took the deserving break. The auntie took this photo for the champions and runners up of the different competitions. We then proceeded to the highlight of the day - 庆功宴at the food court of the Batu Lanchang bang san.


(organizing chairman please update the story)


(organizing chairman please update the story)


We have a very encouraging turnout. The organizing chairman Tattoo has to arrange for the round of 16. Upon suggestion by Ah Pee to have more participants declared as the champions, Tattoo has introduced a very complex tournament format to decide the event champions and overall champion.
This is one of the early round matches pitting Director of Singapore Chinese Orchestra with the Director of GH Consultancy. Of course, Huey Kaey progressed to the later rounds since Ah Tua was busy er-hu-ing nowadays.

The other exciting match was between Tattoo and Pee. I am sure you can feel the excitement.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year to All Brothers & Ah Sos!!

【用法用量】 建议一生一片。
【禁忌】无论什么时候,都不能说胖 .

Merry X'mas & Happy New Year to All Brothers & Ah So!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gathering at Kiasuland

We had a small belated birthday party for Ham at Dan Ryan’s Chicago Grill Restaurant. It was a good catch up as usual. Tua shared stories of juggling works with moving to new mansion, Ham shared his Bangkok experience and his vision of Sin Aik, Chiang shared his experience of his kiasi colleagues calling him to ask whether he has read his email. I also shared the latest updates on brothers particularly O Bah.
From what I gathered, Ham should have vast improvement in squash with his O3 racquet so I think Ham warrant top seeding in the wo-men squash tournament.
Thanks brothers for spending a beautiful evening together!

Thursday, December 4, 2008






Monday, December 1, 2008


发觉到廾一年前,大家都是那么的瘦, 那么的潇洒, 那么的文艺青年, 那么的愤青.
发觉到当年的Ah Sex有点像现在的周杰伦, 周公子和我们最热心的前会长根本没什老化. 火鸡向横发展了一倍, O Pui 算起来保养满好, 阿扁没开发神州时原来那么清纯, Lau EE 当年也是那么的天真....