Saturday, February 24, 2007

Testing 1 2 3

Hi Brothers,

Low tech people testing to so called blog. Hopefully is the 3rd one to be in. Tks.


khian beng said...

congrat ju, we are both low tech but 2nd and 3rd to contribute, other brothers please register soonest possible. I really recommend that you should upgrade to streamyx. by the way, I found the posting time earlier than the actual time, anyone to assist?

Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

Congrats Huey Kay and Lau Ee. Looking forward to hear your thoughts and spicy stories

Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

Am also unsure about the clock setting - presumably it follows local time of US. I checked the setting but to no avail

cslim said...

Great job new hui chang. Thanks for all the effort. Any idea how we can scan all the previous hui suin into our blog?

khian beng said...

i could only find out Hui Xing No. 2 edited by present Hui Chang. Anyone has the whole series of hui xing? It could be very expensive after few more years when some of our brothers become very famous.

Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

We can scan and publish in this blog but I doubt it will come out well. Let me try out

Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

I wanted to take picture of Wo Men white T- shirt designed by Pee but realized that my mum had given it away. Any brother still have it?

Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

Ok I have changed the time stamp. It should be correct now.

cslim said...

I have all the series and have been wanting to scan it. But really dont have time for that. Tatt let me know if you need any help. In fact i was thinking of scanning all our SRP and SPM exam paper. I already took it out months ago to do it but guess it needs team effort. Wonder if we should write about Pacemaker? Ha, though it was not successful but despite the negative direction our friendship was not affected. In fact it grew stronger. That was the time when we were very close for KL folks.

Keun Wei said...

My wife just dig out all my old 我们t-shirt during the CNY spring cleaning. She ask whether I still want them. I guess I'm no longer able to fit into them anymore with my increased waistline (maybe Ah Pek and Birdie still can). I think I should still have most of the 同学会 memorabilia (cups, cards etc). The only thing I threw out during the CNY spring cleaning is the casstte tape of 我们 songs recorded by O-ba and teh rest back in form 5 (my house no longer has a cassette player). Maybe we can find those old songs and put in on a CD.

Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

Kuen Wei,
please keep all of them. If you can help to include pictures or scanned them in, that would be very useful.

Chin Seng, yes you are right. We should write about pacemaker. You want to do it? Definitely lots of good lessons learnt from it. Perhaps o ba can contribute too.