Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hui Chang Visit KL's Brothers

I visited KL Brothers on 10th March, 2009. Dr Lim, GV & elephant joined the drinking cum dinner cum supper session at Dataran Prima, Baywatch, somewhere in Kelana Jaya. Tatt & Oba could not make it that night.
As usual, we had our Wo-Men's ways of drinking and chit-chatting. We also met some of the GV's friends and joined in the "fastest bottom-up beer drinking" competition. However, the best drinker of Wo-Men, GV could only score 2.3second, rank no. 4. The fastest record that night was a women lawyer scored at 1.8s. The lawyer still the best drinker and we should send our best drinker of Penang Wo-Men, Pee to join the competition next time.
It was a good catch-up and we left at 12midnight. Thanks Dr Lim for sending me back to my hotel in Ampang.
We had also achieved some fundamental understandings of Wo-Men synergy project and shall proceed into more details later.


Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

We need strong focus if we wish to be successful in synergy project. Part time part time may not bring us far.

CS Lim said...

Yes I totally agree with that. We (Pacemaker Health Care group of companies) have learnt it through hard way. Honestly I still can't see how it will take off, there is no pilot so far, only lip service for the time being.:) I will not put in money if there is no real proposal or action.