As usual, the Hiking Team and families proceeded to Bali Hai to have our dim sum brakfast, the breakfast was then joined in by Hui Chang Prince & Pong Families.
A Pong shared his experience in Vietnam while A Pee shared his Qi Gong and the secret of success.
It was a nice breakfast with Gurney Drive view and cooling "Pak Hong".
This is seriously under performed. Why so few dim sum plates one? I thought the New Ball King should have 20 plates to celebrate his double wins?
Economic bad they have to be prudent in selecting the dishes.
testing my password.
Password working. Come blog about your secrets in successful investments
Tatt , can't sleep ah , wake up so early ...
I really miss all those moments, really regret 4 not able to attend all the grand activities, they were all so meaningful n full with sentimental values. Share the joy with you all thru the photo n blogs. Well done new ball king pee, well done the highest comm.
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