发觉到廾一年前,大家都是那么的瘦, 那么的潇洒, 那么的文艺青年, 那么的愤青.
发觉到当年的Ah Sex有点像现在的周杰伦, 周公子和我们最热心的前会长根本没什老化. 火鸡向横发展了一倍, O Pui 算起来保养满好, 阿扁没开发神州时原来那么清纯, Lau EE 当年也是那么的天真....
我们的同学会 This is the story about 26 brothers - past, present and future. A blog to celebrate our brotherhood.
Really really made me feel nostalgic! Wow we are all so young. Actually the current Hui Chang also not much change. Why are we so serious when taking pictures those days? That was the right expression for cool then, is it?
对, 当年我们原来都那么的"酷" !
All looked so cool. Ya, good memory but I was not there. Can hui chang post some photographs that hv me?
Prince , thanks for hard work and very appreciate it.
wow O Pui's first comment! Yup it is great work. Certainly one of our highlights in 80s
O Pui, congrat seeing you surface up on blog. May you can start a blog on "Share Market"
wow, looked really hammmmmmmmmmm
Tatt , thanks for guidance to send my comments to the BLOG.
But still in dark on how to send
my daughters's photo to the blog,ha ! Ha !
Opui, I have sent the co-author invitation to your rocketmail address. Just click the url and you would be able to register. Once registered, you can start posting via that email and password.
For 2nd gen wo-men site, pls ask prince to send you invitation again.
O Pui, I have added you as author for the 2nd Gen Blog. Happy posting
We all were very "老土" at that time. Oh, prince can invite me as author in 2ndGen blog as well?
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