Wishing Ah Pee, Hui Kay, Prince & Keun Wei 'one road follow wind' to China next week. I am sure they will bring back a lot of interesting stories to share with us. Ah Pee will act on my behalf to officially open the new office of Prince in China. Enjoy your trip. I wish to be one of you there!!
As we represent WOMEN to china Hui Chang office openning ceremony,Tong xue hui may need to subsidise the trip. By the way, we still try very hard to get more brothers to join us. 我们可能一直以为“我们”还有很多时间,但是真正属于“我们”的时间又有多少呢?
Ya, agree with Huey Kay, we already walked pass half of our life time. We should do what we want to do now! Revolution! Wishing you guys good luck and enjoy your trip. Surprisingly Kuen Wei got the license to go. Ha
Have a super trip. I am proud to have brother with successful venture in China. Bravo Prince!
Huey Kay, go and make a plate for wo-men to put up in his office.
Dear all, this is just a very formal activities to represent Wo_Men official visit to the 103th Canton Fair and my office in Shenzhen, a very pack and busy business trip, no time for any other side activities. SO Ah Pek dont expect a lot of stories......
p.s. Tatt, still cannot allowed to edit the setting & layout
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