难得各位在吉隆坡的兄弟回槟城老家清明, 我们29/3当晚相聚於e-GATE的3g CAFE, 探讨大选後的国家大计.
当晚火鸡发表了"空穴不来风"的後大选政治宏观, 阿象传达了从首府打听到的最新火暴消息,Dr. Lim在讲他的後台关系和分发购买Cxxllxs医药证书, Opui醉醉满身酒气的到来,前会长在研究为什么Maxis的无线数码宽带总是有bugs, Ah Pek在伤脑筋去不去深圳的开业典礼, Ah Pee在研究如何用Iphone上网看自拍糸例, 均伟正在面对"准爸爸瘊群症"........
Prince, good article. Your Mandarin has improved a lot.
Marvellous article, touched. That's why you are the chief editor for our 毕业刊。
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Flores Online, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://flores-on-line.blogspot.com. A hug.
did i hear that Kuen Wei is having "准爸爸瘊群症"...Congratulations!!!
Tatt, can you change the comments to "show" instead of "hide" and change everyone can post to registered user only? Tq.
Hui Chang, I have changed to "registered users" only.
The comment option was already set as "show".
Actually you also have the admin right to make those changes.
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