A super high ranking and very important wo-men leader has just got married in Sungai Buloh. The reliable source said that there were cake cutting and champagne pouring ceremonies followed by big yumseng. 7 other wo-men members were present. However, no angpows were given to the children at the occasion.
Interesting!! Is the 'Superband' members are the stimulant that catalyzed the process or great effort from the bros?
Congratulations to this super high ranking and very important wo-men leader! "Zao Shen Gui Zhi"
WTFXXK that high ranking Wo Men super member doing?
No proper invitation card, No proper "chua xin neo", No bachelor's night, No official diner.....
That's call bro ah?
BTW, C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N !!!
The reliable source also said the 达宫worth around 2.4 million. Dun let tatt shift the attention, “我们”的听证会will be calling him to explain.
Thanks brothers for making the trip so successful and memorable. A full detail report will be shared soonest possible.
I will be back to Penang end of this month for Merdeka. Please schedule “我们”的听证会 at that time.
If WoMen can be agent to sell Tatt Palace for 2.4M, then Tatt would pay 1.2M commission for WoMen as club fund , right?
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