Monday, May 18, 2009

Cheong Tatt's New Mansion


Cheong Tatt 昌达 said...

Not mansion la.
Thanks for being my first non-relative non-contractor guest to my house.

Lee Cheng Hoe said...

Tatt, it was my pleasure. It is a big mansion indeep.

CS Lim said...

aiya, i also wanted to be the 1st or 2nd guest but was on call lah. Will visit soon ok. Great design, very balinese, nice :) So r we going to have our carnival thre?

khian beng said...

Contgratulation, 新居入伙,兴兴旺旺。Tatt should organise a function and invite those single like us to jump over the beds. you are fortunate to receive the first blessing from our Master Lee.