This picture best represents our Hui Chang - he is always there to take pictures, he is always there to provide fun to the kids - in this case, the girls were holding the Cornetto bought by Hui Chang.
Well done Hui Chang!
我们的同学会 This is the story about 26 brothers - past, present and future. A blog to celebrate our brotherhood.
Please go to next gen to see more photos of our Next-Gen.
Btw, the fruit at your hse is called "promegranate". It is a good anti-oxidant & natrural replacement for Ciallis!
and according to Feng-Shui (Master Pek, correct me if I am wrong), Promegranate is full of seeds and symbolises fertility and abundance ?!
I learn a new word today. Please feel free to ask Promegranate from my parents when you need one :)
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