We shared our latest updates. O Bah will be starting his new job on 1 Dec 2008. Chin Seng shared about his Bear business and we are quite sure it will be very successful. Guang Voon and Kang Shyang exchanged tips on registration process and day care for their sons. Both their sons will be in Standard One of 培才 Primary School - so both will be small school mates. I shared about wo-men activities which most of them missed.
Still remember O Bah’s uncle? Yup, we spent 10min talking about him and auntie. Good to know that they are still together.
We also talked about Guang Voon lao-hua, O Bah’s hairstyle, how to stay healthy, how to 随缘 etc.
Certainly a good 3 hours for all of us. We enjoyed it. We will meet up again in the future.
Wah, I jeolous loh.....why u all could met up with Obah but v can't? I think v hv not seen each other for almost 10 Years!!!! When can v meet up with Obah? Hope to meet up with Obah soon!
Hi Obah, good to see you again. How come you still look so thin or other brothers beside you put up too much weight. Looking forward to meet up with you.
周公子还是那么的周公子, 这是没结婚好处, 请郑公子三思...
Prince, u r a bad hui chang.... always lead us to the wrong direction. Hui Kaey, pls do not listen to hui chang.
O Bah has his own 结婚观。Better dun let O Bah influence Huey Kaey he he
Forgot that we also talked about 随缘- thats one of O Bah's 结婚观
hmm...Ah Tua, Ah Ham and I live less than 20km among us but we hardly catch up. Perhaps, I should kick-start this initiative in kiasuland..
O Ba/Lamina/GV - good to see all your faces again.. even it's through photo.
Honso/Ele - hope to catch up with you in Penang soon.
Yes, I enjpyed it very much. It was a great moment.Hope our other bros can join us next time. Really appreciate Tatt for his effort in getting us together.
good to see my oldest friend again !
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