Ham and I decided to give our squash career a new lease of life. We have got ourselves new toy in Prince O3 Tour Squash Racquet. It is signed by Peter Nicol and was used by Nicol David when she won her first British Open in 2005. Really excellent racquet and it made the retrieval of balls expecially the difficult volley so much easier.
One lesson learnt from this is you can get cheaper racquet in Singapore than in KL. Ham said even a car jack costs RN2500 in KL. He is right.
So let's add squash in our next Carnival, in addition to Futsal.
Tatt, u r in KL and Ham is in Singapore. How can both of u play squash?
So far, we have plan to put in badminton, indoor soccer and squash in our next carnival. We need more days to organise the carnival. Also, all brothers have to train up from now. Tong Xue Hui new regulation : Exercise at once a week. But not on the bed!
all right....squash is back!!! i will be back to penang from 1/11 - 6/11 (again). so, squash at bukit dumbar??
Aiya Chiang. I am not going back to Penang la. But if you come down to KL for cuti-cuti, we can definitely have a game.
Hoe, we did not play but just exchanged info on good racquet. I hope Ham would be playing with some liaos in Singapore.
well...price racquet is expensive.. heard of ashaway? pretty famous for making strings for racquets but saw in a shop in TW (yes, i am in TW now) that the racquet is quite cheap (about US75).
also, Tatoo or anybody in penang, care for a game next weekend?
Chiang, sure. do give a call when you're in town. Huek is having my racket. Huek, you need to join us.
Tatt, wow you're like a pro now..having all the good racket. The last that we played, I remember you were using a quite good one also.
sometimes you need to use money to try buying some success ha ha
hey, tatt have this racket as birthday present, so hui chang must prepare same "standard" of present for our birthday !
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