Wednesday, January 13, 2010
2009嘉年华- 独木舟初体验
豪哥,Pong 和老姨的孩子第一次体验到了当年我们的同学会“仙料”道具之一的独木舟, 提早为他们奠下了雄厚的功力, 希望他们能够在未来的“仙料行动”中能够脱颖而出,不再像上一代这样常常“养龟”。
而他们的启蒙教练当属豪哥和均伟,他们不懈的来回几次都不言倦, 努力的栽培下一代,看看他们的胸肌就可以想象了。老姨不敢脱衣,他的身材可想而知。
Sunday, January 3, 2010
2009 嘉年华 - 再见了
2009 嘉年华 - 闭幕典礼
2009 嘉年华 - 沙滩足球赛
过了趣味游戏,就轮到我们这些老当益壮的巴打们踢沙滩足球的时候, (哎呀,照片又不见了), 我们分成“小时了了”对和“大器晚成”队。
“小时了了”队由曾经在小时后厉害踢足球的anthony, tatt, hoe, pong & son 组成。 而“大器晚成”队由小时候弱不禁风的pee, how kor, keun wei, hui zhang和唯一会踢球却80公斤的老姨组成。
哈! 一看就知道, 谁会赢?“小时了了”更跨下豪言,谁输的晚上请吃饭。
最后成绩 5-1, 大跌卜基眼镜的是, 正如其名,“大器晚成”队胜利了,靠着keun wei 的处女座进球,How Kor 十多年后的再次进球,Pee的双飞进球后, 老姨在补上一脚,对方只能靠着tatt 的唯一进球,挽回颜面。
2009 嘉年华 - 家庭日
After the badminton tournament, we had a wonderful lunch at CRC before checking in Tanjung Bunga Beach Hotel. Look, the kids started to get excited at the hotel lobby.
After taking a short rest, we started our programs and Tatt was the game master with help from all brothers. Tatt, who was trained as King Scout, Junior Jaycees, UM Penang Society President, and currently manage thousand of workers in Maxis seemed has difficulty to attract the focus of Wo-Men Juniors. Look, his own daughter seemed ignore him and played herself.
Finally, the born leader found his way to manage this group of kids and the games start.
Anthony & wife and Hoe demonstrated the game to the kids so that they could understand faster.
So now, the games started and the kids began to get excited and more participated. The mothers busy to guide their children throughout the games.
Team Ocean concentrated planning their strategies how to beat their opponent.
Team Dinosaurs also seriously discuss to counter-attack the Team Ocean.
Together we tight each other and walk together in our life.
So, do our juniors ........
See, who could make the longest.......
And, are you ready? See who could get the most water from the sea......
The kids learnt how to work together not letting the water ball fell down........
Our talented juniors, put up a very good show only in 5 minutes of preparation. I dun think the old scouts and junior jaycees could do that now.....
Prizes giving time, everyone had their prizes of working hardor.........
A very successful event. Thanks to Tatt's for preparation materials for all the games. Thanks to How Kor and wife for plan the programs and prepare sandwich/nugget/curry puff for us. Thanks all parents participation and Pee for his anchor beers.
All suggested that this should be our 1st Family Day and should continue for the coming years.
But I have to apologise again to lose my camera that contained more photos and memories.
After taking a short rest, we started our programs and Tatt was the game master with help from all brothers. Tatt, who was trained as King Scout, Junior Jaycees, UM Penang Society President, and currently manage thousand of workers in Maxis seemed has difficulty to attract the focus of Wo-Men Juniors. Look, his own daughter seemed ignore him and played herself.
Finally, the born leader found his way to manage this group of kids and the games start.
Anthony & wife and Hoe demonstrated the game to the kids so that they could understand faster.
So now, the games started and the kids began to get excited and more participated. The mothers busy to guide their children throughout the games.
Team Ocean concentrated planning their strategies how to beat their opponent.
Team Dinosaurs also seriously discuss to counter-attack the Team Ocean.
Together we tight each other and walk together in our life.
So, do our juniors ........
See, who could make the longest.......
And, are you ready? See who could get the most water from the sea......
The kids learnt how to work together not letting the water ball fell down........
Our talented juniors, put up a very good show only in 5 minutes of preparation. I dun think the old scouts and junior jaycees could do that now.....
Prizes giving time, everyone had their prizes of working hardor.........
A very successful event. Thanks to Tatt's for preparation materials for all the games. Thanks to How Kor and wife for plan the programs and prepare sandwich/nugget/curry puff for us. Thanks all parents participation and Pee for his anchor beers.
All suggested that this should be our 1st Family Day and should continue for the coming years.
But I have to apologise again to lose my camera that contained more photos and memories.
2009 嘉年华 - 同学会羽球赛
Team A - 景和 & 宥毅 (知道是谁吗?映瑜青出于蓝的儿子)
Team B - 裕泉 & 文豪
Team C - 映瑜 & 福隆
Team D - 永丰 & 健明
Team E - 庆良 & 昌达
Team F - 清和 & 祝寿
一开始,Team A & Team F 先拔头筹,把Team E & Team D 打得落花流水,老姨的儿子更一鸣惊人,表现出大将之风,儒子可教。 老姨则在一旁时而淳淳善诱,时而严厉指导,表现出恨铁不成钢和望子成龙的情景。
接下来, 其儿组合更把老爸(老姨)队拉下马,挺进半决赛,而另一猛将裕泉也意外的失利,Team A, D, E & F 进入半决赛。 真是江山辈有人才出,长江浪推前浪,一代新人换旧人。
在半决赛,首场失利的Team D & Team E凭着惊人的毅力和策略, 挺进决赛,Team E 则在Team D疲惫之下,赢了Team D, 赢得冠军. 胜之不武,而在另一场比赛中, 景和 & 宥毅也赢了和&扁,赢得季军。
不过,因为主办当局不见了照片和记录,有些球员开始质疑Opui&hongso tatt得冠军的真实性,因为凭他们的球技应该不能到这么远,而提出重赛的上诉。
2009 嘉年华 - 倒数2010
承接传统,我们(huey kaey,pee,keun wei,tattoo, hongso tatt, how kor, master lee) 在Bed@eGate 举行了我们的同学会成立22周年倒数活动,向2009道别,迎向更美好的2010。
也希望各位巴打在新的十年里, 就像纵贯线唱的:—“出发了,巴打们!”
会长火鸡也在这一天宣布正式卸任我们的同学会2009年会长职位,接下来会领导一个过渡政府直到农历新年会员大会为止。 会长会在稍后发表卸任演说来总结这过去一年的感想。
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Carnival 1 Jan 2010
I think this picture is one of the most valuable one in the history of Wo-Men. We can see many brothers turned up for the dinner, together with their next generation. All the kids were happy with their trophies that they won. Currently, we need at least 3 dinning tables in order to sit everyone down for a dinner. It should be 5 or 6 tables if all will to attend for the function. This time round we have Ah Phong, Jun Chuan and Birdy to join us. Also, we found the talented badminton player, Junior Goh who beat many of us including his daddy, Lau Ee. He is the 2nd runner up and he managed to bring back 2 trophies.
See for yourself how the mum participated in the game too...GREAT!!
Games Master, Tan Cheong Tatt is briefing the kids how to play the games.
We had a great time with our family. Hui Chang was too excited that he lost his camera and I feel very guilty for indirectly causing him to lose his camera. Thus I need to do his job to upload some of the pictures on to our blog.
The kids were very excited and the mums were delighted as well. They have done their best to win the matches. All have brought back prizes and trophies but most importantly they brought back the sweet memories with them. The fathers will have to replay the badminton games as the pictures of the badminton games have lost and there is no evident to prove that O Pui and Tatt have won the match.
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