Saturday, April 28, 2007

Special Posting to Commemorate Tua Ham Reunion

Someone shared this with me. After living in Singapore for 17 years, Ah Ham should know all these. Hence hopefully this is useful for "newcomers" Harris, Marcus, Tristan, Lay Kheng and Tua.

Friday, April 27, 2007

New Arrival...

Dear all,
First of all, thank you for all your well wishes. My apology for not being able to reply to all of you one by one but using this blog to express my gratitude from Mun Hua and I. Some of you have suggested to post some photos on this blog and here you go...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I am trying to write something in our blog so that others will think that the graduate from Scottish university is still boleh pakai. At least, better than the law graduate of the most popular university of Malaysia (UM). Just to share with you all my tuition centre. This is one of my classes.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Pong!

Dear Eng Tao Pong,
Well, we rarely wish early birthdays to brothers. Let's do it the first time.
Happy Birthday to you tomorrow. May you continue to be the best daddy and hubby in Perai, shinning star of Jabil and Tiger Woods-to be. May your prince grow up to be the another Koo Badminton world beater.
This is the latest photo taken on the eve of Pee's birthday. Sorry for the poor quality. For brothers who have not seen Pong for long time, he is even better looking in person.
All the best!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gotong Royong

This is yet another proof of Wo-Men brothershood spirit.

After the gruelling badminton session, we discovered that Ah Pee's car number plate has dropped off. Hence we quickly ran to the nearest Magnum Shop to buy the number (you can still see clearly from the post). Lau Ee & Tatto have a theory (which is yet to be patented) that one has a higher chance of winning if buying the number close to the 7pm.

Then we helped Ah Pee to fix this. With wit of Johnny Loo, strategic thinking of Dr Lim, best consultant Beng, this task was completed within minutes.

Btw, due to the non-technical reason, we only managed to play 2.25 sets of badminton. The results

Dream pair of HS Tatt-Ah Pek Hoe beat Fat pair of Ju-Pee 21-14, 21-6.

Powerful pair of Ju-HS Tatt were leading Turkey-Ah Pek Hoe 6-3 before making way for future Koo Kien Keats and Tan Boon Heongs to practice.

Second Generation

It has been a while since I last blog. I hope to rejuvenate this and this can best be achieved with the support of the rest of brothers. I like this picture - this is the second generation of Wo-Men, our future hope.

In case you do not know, from left to right - Koo Jia You, Tan Shi Rui, Kok Chun Khai.